Articles for tag: Marigolds

Karla News

How to Start Your Own Marigold Plants from Seed

Growing your own marigold flowers can be a fun spring activity. Marigolds are a beautiful orange, yellow or gold colored flower. Marigold flowers are easy to grow and easy to care for. Marigolds come in different sizes being small six inch plants to over two feet tall. Marigolds are sturdy flowers that make beautiful gardens ...

Karla News

Marigold Plant: Growing Marigold Varieties

Marigolds are certainly one of the most popular flowers, and they are among the easiest to grow. While they do have a rather pungent odor, there are some varieties without scent. This in no way, however, spoils their beauty in a garden. Marigolds or Tagetes come in many forms and shades, ranging from yellow with ...

Karla News

Florida Gardening: Flowerbeds Made Easy

Who wouldn’t like to have flowerbeds full of beautiful flowers blooming? Unfortunately, if your prone to having a black thumb, or have had a bad experience in the past, then your flowerbeds are probably bare. Mine sure was until I did some research, and of course trial and error. No need to worry, this summer ...

Karla News

How to Plant Marigolds

When you’re planting annuals for summer color, be sure to include a few marigolds that will add instant zing to your flowerbeds! Marigolds are dependable bloomers that grow happily with very little care from spring until the first frost. Choose the Variety If you’re looking for tall marigolds, choose African or Aztec marigolds, which can ...

Karla News

Fun Flower Facts About Marigolds

One of my favorite flowers is marigolds; they are hardy and despite being annuals, in my garden they come back year after year. I don’t just rely on the marigolds reseedings themselves though; I also harvest the seeds once the flower pod is dry. I always have plenty to share. Some complain about the way ...