Articles for tag: Mamba

Karla News

How Snakes Have Evolved Through History

Snakes have been on this planet for millions of years, and might be the most adapted of the reptiles. We don’t really know that much about how they developed throughout the years (their skeletons are very fragile, so fossil records are limited), but they probably appeared around the time of dinosaurs, and descent from lizard ...

Karla News

World’s 6 Deadliest Snakes

Usually the deadliest snake would be the one that just bit you. Of the 2,000 different species of snakes in the world, there are 6 that hold a fierce reputation. All measured for size, volume, toxicity of venom, personality, and deaths caused, these selected snakes are topped for being the most fatal of all of ...

Karla News

Beijing Olympics 2008: USA Men’s Basketball

Basketball season continues for some of United States’ best NBA players in the 2008 Beijing Summer Olympic games. The opening ceremony was just a taste of what has and is to come from the USA Men’s Basketball team. Blazing past teams in the preliminaries, the men’s USA squad has set the tone in Beijing Olympics ...