Articles for tag: Best Paintball Guns, Local Paintball, Paintball Markers

Paintball: Slingshot and Wrist-Rocket Variation

Paintball has always been played with paintball “markers”. These were established originally for the marking of cattle and trees in a distance, not for shooting people. However, later, these guns were made into firing machines that were meant for playing with other people while not harming them. Paintball has since grown into a huge sport, ...

Karla News

Vents Helix Paintball Mask – Product Review

The Vents Helix Mask is a great paintball mask. It is the second mask I have used and I don’t plan on using another one for a long time. I got this mask about six months ago. I was looking around my local paintball store for a case of paint and when I saw the ...

Sports Room Decorating Ideas

Whether you’re looking for a way to decorate a room with a theme devoted to your favorite sports team, or have a child that wants to decorate their room with a general sports theme, you can use these sports room decorating ideas to get the look you want. We’ve listed several ideas you can use ...

Karla News

Preschool Lesson Plan: Sports

Books for Preschool Lesson Plan: Sports Sports A to Z by David Diehl Snowy Sports Ready, Set, Play! by Per-Henrik Gurth Play Ball, Corduroy! by B. G. Hennessey Reading Center for Preschool Lesson Plan: Sports Fill your preschool reading center with books about traditional sports such as baseball, basketball and football. Also include books on ...

Karla News

The History of Paintball

Paintball is a very fun and exciting game where you and others get together either in the woods or on a paintball field and have a “battle game.” Each player has a gun that is filled with gelatin capsules that are filled with a water-soluble paint. The object is to eliminate the other team completely ...