Articles for tag: Lesions, Prolactin

Karla News

What is Intermittent IV-MP? Treatment for Relapsing Remitting Multiple Sclerosis Patients?

To date, the use of intravenous methylprednisolone has been the standard procedure for treating RR-MS. If it can alleviate the symptoms during episodes seen in multiple sclerosis patients, then it’s only logical to suggest that intermittent doses of intravenous methylprednisolone would decrease the severity of symptoms AND prevent future episodes in remitting relapsing MS. However, ...

Karla News

What is Oral Thrush?

Oral Thrush is a condition that affects the lining of the mouth. The fungus Candida albicans begins to accumulate within the mouth. This produces white lesions within the mouth, which generally appear on the inner cheeks and tongue. The lesions can become painful and may bleed if they are scraped. In severe cases, the fungus ...

Causes of Bumps on Your Tongue

Causes of bumps on your tongue Have you ever woken up with an odd and totally unexplainable bump on your tongue? Yes, it does happen from time to time. Your tongue is a very active organ – being used for both speech and eating. As such, there are more than a couple things that can ...

Karla News

Different Types of Kaposi’s Sarcoma

Kaposi’s sarcoma is a cancer that causes patches of abnormal tissue to grow under the skin in the lining of the mouth, nose, throat or other organs. The patches of abnormal tissue are either red or purple. They are made of cancer cells and blood cells. The characteristic skin lesions range from flat to raised ...

Karla News

Leprosy: Symptoms and Treatment

Definition Leprosy, otherwise known as Hansen’s Disease, is a bacterial disease, caused by Mycobacterium Leprae infection. History First seen in Egypt and the Far East 600 years before the birth of Christ, leprosy became a rampant plague in Europe during the thirteenth century, thriving amidst the unsanitary conditions of heavily populated communities. With no effective ...