Articles for tag: Bolsheviks, Lenin, Marxism, Political Economy, Theory of Knowledge

Karla News

Biography: Vladimir Ilyich Lenin

Born in 1870, in Sibrsk, Vladimir Ilich Oulianoff, known as Lenin, studied in the high school of Sibirsk. In 1891, he acquired the degree of law and began to work as assistant lawyer in Samara. There, he organized a Marxist circle, he developed contact with the revolutionary youth of other cities and began his author’s ...

Karla News

What Happened to Eva “Evita” Peron’s Body?

Celebrated in Andrew Lloyd Webber’s hit musical “Evita”, Argentina’s first lady Eva Peron died in 1952. Inspired by Lenin’s Tomb in Moscow, Evita’s grief-stricken husband Dictator Juan Peron planned to have her body preserved for display in a glass-encased national monument. He paid renowned Spanish pathologist Dr. Pedro Ara $100,000 to embalm her like Lenin ...

Karla News

Stalin: A Despotic Ruler

Joseph Stalin began to rise through the ranks in Russia during the early 1900s. In 1917 the February Revolution took place. This proved to be the first stage of the Russian Revolution. This revolution resulted in the immediate expulsion of Tsar Nicholas II. During this time, Stalin supported Alexander Kerensky and the provisional government that ...

Karla News

Orwell’s Use of Snowball as a Political Metaphor in Animal Farm

The character of Snowball, a wise pig who takes up the rebellion on the Jones Farm, is perhaps one of the most intriguing characters in George Orwell’s classic novel, Animal Farm. He is depicted as the most intelligent animal on the farm, inspiring the others upon the death of Old Major, a character who represents ...

Karla News

Quotes from Vladimir Lenin

Vladimir Lenin is to the knowledgeable leftist what Washington, Franklin, Jefferson, Madison and all the rest are to we Constitution loving Americans. You’ll be amazed at the similarity of Lenin and American radical leftists. Lenin stated “A lie told often enough becomes the truth.” Hitler backed him up with his belief that “the bigger the ...

Karla News

Lenin’s April Theses

The February Revolution and the October Revolution of 1917 were important to Russian politics because they meant that the nation was being led towards socialism. The February Revolution meant that the Romanov dynasty ended, and that a Provisional Government was established. While Provisional Government meant that the government was temporary, some people were eager to ...

Karla News

Tourist Attractions in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan

Previously known as Pishpek and Frunze, the Kyrgyz capital of Bishkek is emerging as a Central Asian tourist destination full of attractions. Located along an ancient silk trade route in what is now the Republic of Kyrgyzstan, Bishkek blends nomadic origins, Muslim heritage, and a 20th century Soviet legacy into an expanding urban center. Its ...