Articles for tag: Catnip, Lemon Balm, Teatime

Karla News

Catnip Infusion for Natural Menstrual Cramping Relief

Everyone women goes through at least twelve menstrual cycles per year depending on her health, pregnancy and birth control medications she is on. Sometimes the cramping and discomforting aching pain that comes along with a women’s menstrual cycle can keep her in bed lying down until the pain passes. Some women even try taking over ...

Karla News

Herbal Remedies for Anxiety

Herbal remedies for anxiety can be a great way to come off of traditional anxiety medications that create drowsiness and other bothersome side effects from pharmaceuticals to battle this malady. As an anxiety sufferer myself, I have made a point of being on many missions to treat my anxiety symptoms naturally. A few of them ...

Karla News

Safe Medicinal Herbs for Children

While the majority of medicinal herbs are unstudied in young children, toddlers, and infants, a few key supplements offer health benefits and healing properties that are unmatched in safety and efficacy by pharmaceutical drugs. Elderberry, chamomile, and lemon balm are all essential medicinal herbs for any home with children. Safe Medicinal Herbs for Children: Chamomile ...

Homemade Mosquito Repellent

It seems like Mother Nature’s always out to get me. I’m fair-skinned, so I burn easily in the sun. Hay fever wreaks havoc on my eyes and nose. And mosquitoes just love my blood. While I don’t mind using commercial sunscreens or taking over-the-counter allergy medications, there’s something about mosquito repellents like DEET that makes ...