Articles for tag: Beautiful Lawn, Green Lawn, Lawn Aeration

Karla News

DIY: Simple Steps to a Beautiful and Lush Lawn

A beautiful lawn is worth putting some effort and money into. You don’t have to hire a landscaper or pay a lot of money to have a lush and green lawn that your neighbors will be envious of and which will add a lot of curb appeal to your home, as well as make it ...

Karla News

5 Steps to Cultivating Green Lawns After Dethatching

Are you looking at some common lawn problems? How did the thatch get in your grassy area to begin with? After all, when you rolled out the sod, you had the best of intentions, watered it three times a day and forbade little feet from even touching the blades. The University of Rhode Island defines ...

Karla News

DIY Guide to Lawn Aeration

Are you looking for a detailed guide to lawn aeration? Read on and learn what lawn aeration is, the benefits of the process, how to get started, DIY tips, what products and tools you need, and when to call in the cavalry. What is Lawn Aeration? Think of lawn aeration as jabbing holes in the ...

Karla News

Tips for Aerating Your Lawn

Aeration, or removing plugs of soil from your lawn, results in a healthier, lusher lawn by letting more water, oxygen and nutrition reach its roots. Here are 10 tips for aerating your lawn. 1. How often to aerate depends on your climate and your lawn. For example, lawns in arid climates or those that receive ...