Articles for tag: Depo Provera, Doulas, Laparoscopic Surgery, Tubal Ligation

Karla News

6 Ways Not to Get Pregnant

You just gave birth – congratulations! Now, have you thought of how to prevent another pregnancy while you are bonding your new little one? I know this isn’t the first topic on your agenda these days, but you will love and need to have some time alone with this baby before thinking of another child ...

Karla News

Causes of Abnormal Anal Bleeding

Most people assume that if they see blood in the toilet, they have hemorrhoids but the truth is, abnormal anal bleeding could be caused by a number of things. Don’t assume that you burst a hemorrhoid or sat on the toilet too long. If your symptoms disappear within a few days, it could just be ...

The Health Impact of Adhesions Attributed to C-Section

Pregnancy brings about many life changing experiences and emotions. For many women, the bodily change process involved with pregnancy can be, at times, overwhelming. For many women, delivery of a newborn by cesarean section, also known as c-section, brings about additional health issues, including bodily changes, for which a woman may not have anticipated. This ...

Karla News

Varicocele: Treatment and Pain Relief

A varicocele is an enlargement of the veins in your spermatic cord, similar to varicose veins in your leg. Varicoceles usually develop over time, and are easy to diagnose. They are most common in adolescent males, and occur more typically on the left side. The cause of varicoceles is not known, although it is thought ...