Articles for tag: Decanter, Landscaping Plants

Karla News

How Do I Know If I Have Well Drained Soil?

Most plants will not survive long-term in water-saturated soil. Roots of plants not intended for wet areas can rot from excessive moisture. Rotted roots mean the plants receive insufficient moisture and minerals, leading to death of the plant. Before setting out landscaping plants like trees, shrubs or flowers, or before planting a vegetable garden, we ...

Karla News

Security Gardening: Deter Burglars with Thorny Landscape

At some point after a home burglary, your neighborhood police officer will probably give you the “do and don’ts” of landscape security. You’ll learn that dense landscaping is an invitation for burglars, and houses that can’t be seen from the street are at the highest risk for break-ins. Most home burglaries are crimes of opportunity; ...

Karla News

Simple, Low-Maintenance Landscaping Ideas

Is the front of your house lacking any landscaping? Get in touch with your inner landscape designer because you can tackle this chore yourself. Discover simple ways to add plants near the foundation of your house. Landscaping plants can increase the curb appeal and subsequently real estate value. Follow these simple landscaping ideas for the ...

Landscaping in the Mountains

Landscaping in the mountains is much different than landscaping in the city. Some landscaping ideas will work in both areas, but not all of them. I’ve compiled a list of landscaping tips to help anyone in the mountains at high altitude. The best landscaping advice I can give is to do some research by visiting ...

Karla News

Create Sensational Borders with Ornamental Grass

Ornamental grasses come in a wide range of heights, colors, and textures, making them perfect for any space in the garden, especially the border. Ornamental grasses add a softer, more natural feel to borders. Most are vigorous growers, requiring minimal care. Ornamental grasses also tend to be free of disease and insect pests. Their wispy, ...

Shade Landscaping Ideas

Shade landscaping is meant for the backyard that does not receive very much sun, for an area beneath a shade tree or a corner that does not get any sun. Planning that shade landscaping before starting helps to become successful. If you already planted something in your shady yard and it failed, it was probably ...