Articles for tag: Epidural, Epidurals, Labor Pain, Vaginal Birth, VBAC

Karla News

Birth Plans for Hypnobirthing and Hypnobabies

As a hypnobirthing educator I’ve helped hundreds of women prepare for their hypnobirth. Most women do great with their hypnobirthing classes, but after their classes they often procrastinate on writing their birth plan. The birth plan is the final step towards a stress free and pain free birth, and I encourage all my students to ...

Karla News

The Bradley Method Vs. Lamaze

The two most popular methods of natural pain relief during labor are the Bradley Method and Lamaze, and each has its strength and weakness at curbing pain. Speaking as someone who has tried both, I know which was much more effective in my case, though everyone is different and the other one may be more ...

Karla News

Narcotic Pain Relief in Labor

Pain medications known as narcotics, are often used in labor to help lessen or reduce the pain the mother feels. Many women opt for using narcotics, rather than an epidural because using narcotics does not restrict movement as extremely as an epidural does, and generally do not have the risk of stopping or stalling labor. ...