Articles for tag: Keloid, Makeup Application, Makeup Removal, Permanent Makeup

Karla News

Permanent Makeup Removal: What Are Your Options?

Permanent makeup application is becoming more popular with women using this procedure to enhance particular features facial features and save time on makeup application on a daily basis. Women are choosing to have their eyelids permanently lined with liner and their lips outlined with permanent color. Other women are choosing to have permanent rouge applied ...

Karla News

The Dangers Behind Body Piercings

What many people don’t realize when they get a body piercing is that along with the hole in their body can come medical complications. The majority of complications from body piercings come from allergic reactions or bacterial infections. It is not uncommon for a serious issue to come from a new body piercing. Anybody who ...

Karla News

African American Skin Care

Contrary to popular belief, there is very little about African American skin that can be safely assumed which is why African American skin care is a combination of general skin care, individual skin care and a few extras that may be specific to olive skin, brown skin or darker skin tones. While African American skin ...

Karla News

Pros and Cons of Belly Button Piercings: The Price of Fashion

Navel piercings, commonly known as belly button piercings, seem like a low-risk, highly fashionable piece of jewelry to invest in. It is a piercing, usually worn with a curved barbell-style jewelry piece, which extends through the upper edge of the belly button, not actually through the belly button itself. Although this seems like a fairly ...

Facial and Body Piercing Side Effects

There are many side effects that can come from facial and body piercing. Allergic Reactions Many people are naturally prone to have an allergic reaction on the skin or in the bronchial system. Allergic reactions are usually present if you’re experiencing breathing problems, rashes or swelling of any kind. If you’ve never had a piercing ...

Karla News

The Anatomy of Scar Tissue

Scars. We probably all have at least one. But what exactly is a scar and why do we get them? What Is A Scar? A scar is a mark left in skin or organs by the healing of a wound or injury. It is the replacement of tissue by connective tissue. Connective tissue is made ...

Karla News

Cult Cinema Review #1 ‘” Rabid (1977)

Rose (Marilyn Chambers) and her boyfriend Hart (Frank Moore) are motorcycling around the Canadian countryside. After an accident, Rose is severely injured and laid up in the Keloid Clinic – a private plastic surgery center – recovering from an experimental tissue regeneration procedure. This new technology repairs her injuries; it also leaves her with a ...

Karla News

Unwanted Facial Hair

We have about 5 million hairs on our body. Many post-menopausal women will swear that half of them have sprouted on their faces! These unwanted hairs are just one more curse we baby boomers face as we age. Women view their face as an important part of their self image and unwanted facial hair growth ...

Karla News

Hypertrophic Scars

Scars are a natural way the body heals its wounds. You might not have known that there are different types of scars that can develop. A hypertrophic scar is one that has healed with excess tissue. Many people get these types of scars confused with keloid scars. According to, the “difference between a keloid ...