Articles for tag: Borges, Gabriel Garcia Marquez, Kafka, Magical Realism

Karla News

Must Read Books in the Magical Realism Genre

At the dawn of the 20th Century a few very brilliant minds were hard at work defining and crafting an entirely new genre of literature, one that looked beyond the realities of our lives and took into accounts the works of up and coming philosophers of the time. Writers like Kafka and later Borges developed ...

Karla News

E.L. Doctorow’s The Book of Daniel: Justice for All?

“The history of all hitherto existing society is the history of class struggles” Karl Marx says in his Communist Manifesto (34). Money talks. Everything else can be put aside, the simple and unfortunate truth is that money talks. The common man will always be looking for a way out of his downtrodden or disadvantaged state. ...

Karla News

Important Jewish People in Modern History

Modern Jewish history has been shaped by many promising thinkers, philosophers, scientists, and literary critics and each one had an important role. Let’s begin with Mordecai Kaplan who was a prominent Jewish philosopher. He was the modern day father of the Reconstructionist movement. He had been a conservative rabbi and argued that Judaism was a ...

Karla News

Kafka’s The Metamorphosis: Gregor Samsa as a Symbol of Marxist Alienation

Franz Kafka’s novella The Metamorphosis is a classic in the genre of experimental symbolic fiction that arose in the early 20th century. Following hard upon Karl Marx’s theories of worker alienation, the protagonist of the story, Gregor Samsa, is the personification of the deadening of the soul amidst the rise of the industrial revolution. The ...