Articles for tag: Japanese Beetles, Pollination

Karla News

Blueberries for Warm Climates

Blueberries can be challenging to grow in the warmer parts of the United States. Successful fruit production depends on a sufficient amount of winter cold, also known as “chill hours.” Northern states usually have between 600 and 800 chill hours, or more. Many blueberry varieties require at least 400 chill hours, which makes them unsuitable ...

Karla News

Companion Plants for Bell Peppers: Dos and Don’ts

Companion planting is an effective way to both utilize your space to its up most potential and augment the health, yield, and even flavor of your bell peppers. The best companion plant for a bell pepper depends on what the individual growing them has in mind as a goal from companion planting. Best companion plants ...

Karla News

Organic Pest Control: Japanese Beetles

Japanese beetles destroy thousands of plants each year in the United States and has been described as “one of the most destructive pests of lawns and gardens east of the Mississippi.” [Marinelli, p. 45] The Japanese beetle (Popilla japnica) was first noticed in the U.S. in 1916 in New Jersey. It has since spread from ...

Karla News

Controlling Grubs with Milky Spore

As an avid gardener, the most disturbing thing for me to see is beautiful plants being destroyed, be it by animals (such as deer) or insects (such as Japanese Beetles, which hatch from lawn grubs). While I have discovered an excellent product to combat deer, I have yet to find a product that works as ...

Karla News

Getting Rid of Lawn Rodents

No matter how well a gardener waters or fertilizes a lawn, some lawns can be completely ruined by creatures that burrow underground and feast on the lawn. Grubs and rodents are particularly bad for lawns and they can be quite resilient. That’s why gardeners have developed different ways of dealing with them over time. Types ...

Karla News

How to Get Rid of Grubs in Your Lawn

What are grubs you might ask. Grubs are short, white, c-shaped worm larval that live under your lawn and feed off the roots of your grass. In adulthood, these same grubs turn into Japanese beetles that flies onto your flowers, shrubs and outdoor plants and later damages them by eating the leaves between the vains. ...

Karla News

Killing Japanese Beetles Organically

Ever since Japanese Beetles invaded the United States in 1916, gardeners have been coming up with ways to protect their plants. Rose and Hydrangea’s are among the Japanese beetle’s favorite foods. They are also quite found of Basil, Iris, Rhododendron and Wisteria plants. If you see “C” shaped patches in the lawn, or skeleton leaves, ...

Karla News

How to Grow an Italian Herb Garden

Italian herbs such as basil, parsley, oregano and rosemary are what gives Italian food its distinct flavor. Bring a little piece of Italy into your garden by growing your own Italian herbs. Here are a few tips for growing these aromatic and flavorful herbs. Basil is a very forgiving and easy herb to grow. Basil ...