Articles for tag: Game Theory, International Politics, Isolationism

Karla News

Interventionism Vs. Isolationism

International relations sees two typical approaches taken by countries, interventionist or isolationist. There are some countries that, during a certain time period, are involved in everything and quick to get involved and other countries that are the opposite and wish to only keep to themselves and not be involved. These different methods change between countries ...

Karla News

Realism vs. Liberalism

The theoretical paradigm of Realism, while it seems fairly undemanding and forthright, has many subcategories and underlying components, which allow it a greater level of complexity. Often viewed as being pessimistic and cynical, Realism exists as the polar opposite of Liberalism. Founded on the belief that people are genuinely decent and that individuals should maintain ...

Karla News

Condoleezza Rice – The Early Years

Condoleezza was born an only child in Nov of 1954. Her parent’s, John Wesly Jr and Angelina Ray Rice, he a Presbyterian minister, her mother was a teacher. Condoleezza’s childhood was surrounded by the turbulent times of the 1960’s. She was forced to use a storage room for a dressing room, wasn’t allowed to go ...