Articles for tag: Industrialization, Louis Pasteur

Karla News

England in the 19th Century

A country like England couldn’t but have prospered at all levels – scientific, military, economical – in the 19th century. It had always been one of the most successful nations in Europe, and a great power. Scientifically , it had had the chance to affirm itself , through the Royal Society and the great minds ...

Karla News

The Effect of Globalization on the World Economy

Industrialization required raw materials and industrialized countries could not always supply all of those raw materials themselves. They therefore turned to other countries, including underdeveloped countries, for raw materials. This created a pattern of every increasing globalization. As globalization produced a world economy in the 18th, 19th, and 20th centuries, local economies around the world ...

Karla News

The Goals of Stalin’s Five Year Plan

Stalin’s five year plan was launched and approved by the Communist party in 1928. Visualizing a “revolution from above”, Stalin’s goal was the swift industrialization and collectivization of agriculture in the Soviet Union. Stalin believed that the Soviet domestic policy should stop being driven by capitalism and the New Economic Policy as soon as possible. ...

Karla News

Assessing the Impact of Technology on the Environment

New and better technology is being introduced, by each passing day. In every field, new technology is introduced very frequently. This advancement of technology is beneficial, but also has adverse effects on the environment. If we consider advancement of technology in machines, it means more industrialization and poor effect on the environment. Advancement in weapons ...

Karla News

The Industrial Revolution and Its Impact on Living Conditions

Although the Industrial revolution caused bad living conditions for factory workers, it helped the majority of the world attain a higher ease and condition of living. There are four major categories of views that one can take into consideration when proving this statement, Views of factory owners, views of factory workers, ways that industrialization improved ...

Karla News

Four Basic Business Models

Using the right business model is extremely important when starting a business or introducing a new product to the market. The right business model can bring rapid success, while the wrong one can make success impossible. Business models show interested parties how a business enterprise plans to generate revenue and the typical investor will evaluate ...

Karla News

Industrialization of America 1865-1900

“The wealthy class is becoming more wealthy; but the poorer class is becoming more dependent. The gulf between the employed and the employer is growing wider; social contrasts are becoming sharper; as livered carriages appear; so do barefoot children” -Henry George 1879 Industrialization in America was a surprisingly quick process given the slow crawl in ...

Karla News

Affected Groups of 19th Century Industrialization

It would be safe to say that 19th century industrialization shaped the face of modern day America in such a way that all groups of individuals were affected to an exceedingly large degree. To these groups, American life would never be the same as it was prior to the industrial period. The Native Americans were ...