Articles for tag: Humidifiers, New Parents, Sick Baby, Upper Respiratory Infection

Karla News

Humidifier: A Guide for New Parents

For new parents, protecting the health of a newborn baby is a primary focus of everyday life. When a baby becomes ill, new parents are often struck with anxiety and frustration in their percieved lack or inability to protect the new child. Often, following a pediatric visit for a baby with respiratory distress, the purchase ...

Karla News

ReliOn Cool Mist Humidifier VS. Vicks Cool Mist Humidifier

Humidifiers can provide many health benefits, such as preventing nosebleeds, dry skin, sinus problems, and can even inhibit the growth of certain molds. Furthermore, it’s good for your house too. When the air gets too dry, paint can crack and furniture can warp. But what is the best kind to get? Everyone is familiar with ...

Karla News

The Best Vaporizer Money Can Buy

With dry autumn and winter weather on its way you may be considering buying or replacing a humidifier. Pharmacies and department stores stock the shelves with various sizes of humidifiers. If you need to add moisture to very dry air, a traditional humidifer may be the best option. When dry air is not an issue, ...

Karla News

All-Natural Remedies for Chest Congestion: Steam, Oils and More

It’s that time of year again when everyone seems to be congested and can’t breathe. While over-the-counter products work great to cover up the problem, they don’t heal you and can actually cause the congestion to last longer. There are many different home remedies you can try to help loosen up chest congestion and get ...

Benefits of Using of a Vaporizer

For those who live in climates with dry and cold winter days, it is a good idea to purchase a cool mist vaporizer. Vaporizers add moisture to the air, making rooms more comfortable. Vaporizers are different from humidifiers. Both vaporizers and humidifiers add moisture to the air, the primary difference is that a vaporizer heats ...

Karla News

Fighting Dry Winter Air: Which Humidifier is Right for You?

In the winter, dry air causes many irritating problems. Skin becomes dry, throats become hoarse, and nasal passages can become congested simply because of dry winter air. To help combat these problems, many people invest in small room humidifiers to help keep the air moist while they sleep at night. Humidifiers come in two basic ...

Karla News

Why Your Humidifier Stopped Working

Ever buy a warm-mist humidifier or vaporizer, only to find it stops working after a few days? I encountered the same problem and figured out a way to not only fix it, but to keep it working properly for years (with periodic cleaning). Here’s how: Use Only Filtered Water Warm-mist humidifiers and vaporizers work by ...

Karla News

Home Improvement: Tips to Prevent Window Condensation

One of the problems of double pane windows is condensation, caused by excessive moisture. Oftentimes, homeowners would tend to blame condensation with either poor installation or defective windows. Although this can be true, it’s not always the case. Window condensation is a symptom caused by moisture imbalance that can be found in our homes. Here ...

Karla News

Humidifier VS Vaporizer

It’s winter and the air in your home is very dry. You have a chronic, hacky cough and bronchial congestion. The only relief you feel is when you’re in the shower. Your doctor tells you to get a humidifier but when you get to the store you have no idea what to do. You stand ...