Articles for tag: Elliptical Machines, Exercise Dvds, How to Stretch

Simple 3-Day-A-Week Workout Schedule

When it comes to fitness, most health experts believe that a well-rounded schedule should include strength training, cardio and flexibility workouts. But when our lives are already packed with work, family and social obligations, how are we to find the time for fitness, too? Fortunately, you don’t have to spend hours in the gym to ...

5 Easy Steps to Lose Weight Fast

While I won’t promise you that following these steps will turn your body into Baywatch perfection, I can assure you that you will drop a few excess pounds in just a couple of weeks. 5. Sleep – Few people realize just how important sleep is to their physical and mental health. Some people stay up ...

Karla News

What to Do for Leg Cramps

On an airplane 30,000 ft. in the air is not the best time to get a cramp in your inner thigh! Thankfully, it didn’t happen to me, but it did attack my sister. I was an innocent onlooker. The pain struck and there arose such a clatter that people stared to see what was the ...

Karla News

How to Stretch Your Butt Muscles at a Desk Job

I was a former jet mechanic on my feet all day, but my service connected injuries prevented me from resuming that career once I get out of the military. I settled for a desk job instead, but that turned out to be a literal pain in the butt. Spending six to eight hours a day ...

How to Stretch Your High Heels

Ever bought shoes that were just a half a size smaller than you and becomes a discomfort to wear? Or maybe the shoes that you absolutely adore on sell only have a size that is half a size smaller than your feet. No matter what the reason is, there are many ladies out there who ...