Articles for tag: Honour, The Iliad

Karla News

Timé And Areté In the Iliad

In book nine of the Iliad, Odysseus emphasizes to Akhilleos the two paramount values of the Grecian warrior society, Areté and Timé, and Akhilleos affirms these values as important to their culture but also states (most clearly in the Fitzgerald version, correlating with lines 400-403 in the Lattimore) that “No riches can compare with being ...

Karla News

The Inventor of the First Aircraft

For centuries man has been fascinated with the concept of flight. The true pioneer and inventor of the first true aircraft has been and probably will remain debatable. Throughout history records have included various forms of flight in mans attempts to conquer the skies. * 400 BC – The discovery of the kite in China ...

Karla News

Ten Bible Verses for Mothers Day Cards

The Holy Bible is full of meaningful thoughts about love and life. Here are ten of the best thoughts about motherhood, to be shared with your mother on her special day. [Verses are taken from the King James Version.] 1. Proverbs 31:10, 25-26, 38 Who can find a virtuous woman? for her price is far ...

Karla News

The Immorality of I Henry IV’s Falstaff

The character of Falstaff holds warped ideas about the nature of virtue. In William Shakespeare’s 1 Henry IV, he epitomizes cowardice and self-indulgence. From his lack of courage on the battlefield to his addiction to sack, the way Falstaff conducts himself is hardly to be emulated. Though Falstaff lacks morals, he does not, however, lack ...

Karla News

The Katana Sword

The katana sword is the long sword worn by a samurai warrior. Samurai were the only people allowed to wear two swords in Japan, a short one between twelve and twenty four inches in length called the wakizashi and a long one, the katana. The katana is the sword we picture when we think of ...

Karla News

Proper Wording for Formal Wedding Invitations

Confused about how to word your formal wedding invitations? With so many different kinds of families out there, many people are, so let’s go over the basics: Traditionally, the parents of the Bride would be the ones to issue the invitations. If the parents of the bride are issuing the invitations and are still married ...

Karla News

Trying to Understand Aristotle’s Ethical Views

An idea tossed around when discussing professional life is the consideration of the difficult choices made by those in this “professional life”. When the thought of making decisions that dive into moral boundaries comes up, the idea of an “ethical” decision, also known as “the right thing to do”, arises. Aristotle gives his idea of ...