Articles for tag: Hippocrates, Hippocratic Oath, March 19

Karla News

The Hippocratic Oath

The Hippocratic Oath is among the most infamous medical texts to have come out of Greece. Surprisingly though, a lot of people do not know very much about it. This document was originally, and to this day, believed to be written by Hippocrates. Some form of this Oath is used by the majority of major ...

Karla News

Ancient Greek Society

Ancient Greek society was surrounded by new innovations in all aspects of knowledge. They made discoveries in the fields of mathematics and science while creating new styles art and architecture. Philosophers spread wisdom and knowledge throughout society, while literature and drama flourished. New forms of government were formed as well. Several of these concepts are ...

Karla News

Who was Hippocrates and Why Do Doctors Take His Oath?

You’ve no doubt heard of the Hippocratic Oath, right? Have any idea it what is actually is or why it exists? Hippocrates was an ancient Greek commonly credited with being the father of medicine. He was born around 400 B.C. on the island of Cos. His family had a long history of practicing medicine, but ...

A Sinusitis Cure Your Doctor Won’t Disclose

Sinuitis patients have suffered chronic breathing difficulties and congestion for centuries. While practitioners insist there is no permanent cure, even after surgery, innovative wellness technology has somwhat proved otherwise. Steam baths have been in use since early civilisation by Turks and Romans while the dry sauna originated from Scandinavia. Nasal ployps and a deviated nasal ...

Karla News

Holiday Gifts for Doctors

Just about everybody knows a doctor, whether you work for or with him/her or whether you’re a patient. Whatever the case may be, doctors are an important part of our lives and, as much as we need them, we seldom remember to show our gratefulness for their time and care. If you have a special ...

Top Raw Food Retreats in the US

Many people today are interested in raw food retreats for improving their lives with healthier lifestyle choices. Diet has become perhaps the single-most important part of this effort, due to the increased awareness of how the mind and the body are affected by nutrition. Yet the need for an overall approach to mental and physical ...