Articles for tag: Esophagitis, Hiatal Hernia, Maine Coon

Karla News

Causes of Esophagitis in Cats

Samantha stepped over a pile on the floor, annoyed to have another mess to clean up. The vet had told her that with five cats, she shouldn’t be surprised to find at least one regurgitated pile on the floor each week. However, this was the third day in a row. The following week, she got ...

Karla News

First Person: My Baby Has Gastro Esophageal Reflux Disease

Most babies spit up. However, when my second child was born, I quickly noticed that he spit up much more frequently and forcefully than his sister. At first, it didn’t seem like a big deal and I was told that he would probably grow out of it. However, then he spit up what the nurse ...

Heartburn- that Unpleasant Sensation in Your Chest

Heartburn does not affect a person’s heart, despite its misleading name. Heartburn is actually a burning sensation that occurs in your lower chest, usually accompanied by a bitter or sour taste in your mouth. Most people will experience heartburn while lying down or after they have consumed a large meal. Heartburn can last as little ...

Tips on Coping with a Hiatal Hernia

Hiatal hernias are present in approximately 15% of the population. After years of living with mild but irritating stomach issues, I was finally diagnosed with a hiatal hernia in my early twenties. At first I was nervous: What was a hiatal hernia? Was it a serious condition? How, if at all, would it affect my ...

My Pregnancy Gave Me a Hiatal Hernia

A woman’s body goes through a lot of changes during pregnancy, most of which aren’t permanent and aren’t harmful. However, occasionally when all of the organs are rearranged later in the pregnancy, when the fetus has grown quite large and is taking up a lot of room, something can unexpected can happen. This happened to ...

Hiatal Hernia: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatments

When an internal relocates to a position where it doesn’t belong, the condition is known as a hernia. In the case of a hiatal hernia, a part of the stomach known as the hiatus pushes up through the diaphragm into the chest. The symptoms of a hiatal hernia are often too subtle to notice, but ...

Indigestion Problems Due to Hiatal Hernias

A hernia occurs any time that one part of the body protrudes through a tear or an opening into another part of the body. This is quite commonly seen in the abdominal area but, in truth, can happen anywhere in the body. Hiatal hernias, or diaphragmatic hernias, form down at the opening of diaphragm, right ...