Articles for tag: Colon Cleansing, Herbal Colon Cleansing

Dangers of Colon Cleansing for IBS

For people suffering from chronic bowel diseases like irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and functional dyspepsia, colon cleansing may seem like an easy, effective solution. Gastroenterologists like Mayo Clinic’s Michael Picco generally agree that colon cleansing for IBS is unproven and possibly dangerous. There is little scientific evidence to support– or refute– the notion that colon ...

Karla News

The Risks and Dangers of Colon Cleansing

One of the health trends that pops up from time to time is colon cleansing. Touted as a way to remove toxins from the body, these cleanses usually involve a regimen of pills or a specially-mixed drink aimed at clearing out the colon. Companies that produce these pills, and even websites offering homemade colon cleanse ...

Karla News

Product Review: Nature’s Secret Ultimate Colon Cleanse

Nature’s Secret Ultimate Cleanse is one of the top herbal colon cleansing products. The system consists of a package of two bottles, one of which contains Multi-herbs to cleanse the body, and the other of which contains Multi-fiber to help expel the toxins from the body. If your not one of the people that is ...

What is the Best Colon Cleanse Available?

If you are aiming for tiptop health or just want to improve your health, then ensuring that your gastrointestinal (GI) tract is performing all the myriad functions it does properly is vitally important. Converting food eaten into the fuel we need and then eliminating the toxic waste is a critical component of any living, breathing ...

Karla News

Does Colon Cleansing Work?

The landscape of complementary and alternative medicine is a seething a deluge of both well founded and pseudoscientific medical practices situated outside the realm of medical standards of practice. The use of colonics, laxatives, and other methods of bowel evacuation to detoxify the body has garnered considerable interest from the public as stated in the ...