Articles for tag: Hematoma, Neurologist, Symptoms of Dementia

Subdural Hematoma: Leading to Temporary Dementia

In the United States, thousands of families are caring for aging adults who suffer from dementia related symptoms. Of this aging population, many suffer from a curable form of dementia secondary to a brain complication known as subdural hematoma. As a result, when caring for an aging adult, with a sudden onset of dementia related ...

Karla News

Even Minor Head Injuries Can Be Fatal

A few years ago I was involved in a car accident. I was driving my favorite old BMW that I had just sunk quite a bit of money into fixing up. As I was driving home one night after work, I came to an intersection where the light was blinking yellow. It was very late ...

Karla News

My Dog Has a Hematoma on the Ear

A few weeks ago my Chocolate Labrador developed a swelling on her right ear flap. It was a big bulge almost the size of a small fist. It was not hard but felt tight and fluid filled. We decided to take her to the vet who told us that she had a hematoma on the ...

Karla News

Birth Injury: Hematoma

Birth injuries, unfortunately, are a fact of life for many. Birth injuries are sometimes caused by a faultless event at birth, and sometimes they are caused by the physician delivering the baby. Some birth injuries are considered minimal, while others cause the death of an infant. One type of birth injury that many people are ...