Articles for tag: Boarding Kennels, Dog Groomers, Helping Animals, Pet Shelters, Waste Removal

Jobs for People Who like Animals

Are you exploring career options? Do you enjoy animals and would like a job that works with them? Do you want a job that involves helping pets, wild animals or farm animals? Here are a few job ideas for students who love animals. Pet Groomer If you love dogs and cats, and think you’d like ...

Karla News

The Best TV Shows for Preschoolers

It can be hard to choose which TV shows to let your preschooler watch. They are probably out-growing some of the shows they used to love, and are becoming interested in more complicated story-lines. However, they’re still only preschoolers, so you don’t want to let them watch just anything that comes on TV. Here’s an ...

Karla News

How Kids Can Help Shelter Animals

Everyone wants to work with pets at the animal shelter but in this litigious society, many animal-welfare groups do not allow volunteers under 18 years old to have direct-animal contact and some can’t have children volunteer on-site. But there are ways to get kids involved in helping shelter animals. Parents and children should visit their ...

Karla News

Love Animals? Be a Zoologist

If you love animals and want to know all you can about them, then a career in zoology is for you. Have you ever watched your pet dog or cat and wondered why they do what they do? Is the zoo or the animal shelter your favorite place to visit? Do you try to convince ...