Articles for tag: Bloodstream, HDL, Increase Good Cholesterol, Ldl Cholesterol Causes

Karla News

How to Raise Your HDL Levels

There’s more to watching your cholesterol than knowing a single number. Total cholesterol under 200mg/dl is a wonderful total, but what is your HDL level? Low HDL is associated with heart disease and strokes. New information and studies are suggesting that higher levels of HDL may prevent Alzheimer’s as well as strokes. What is HDL? ...

Karla News

5 Foods that Raise HDL Cholesterol

Raising HDL cholesterol reduces health risks. Increased ‘good’ cholesterol levels are associated with fewer heart attacks and better memory in later years. How can you raise your HDL cholesterol to the Mayo Clinic’s recommended goal of 60mg/dL? Your doctor may have told you to stop smoking, get some exercise, and reduce dietary saturated fat. But ...

Doctor’s Analysis of Exercise and HDL

When it comes to the prevention of heart disease, a high HDL (good cholesterol) has always been thought to provide some protection against the development of a heart attack which is one of the many reasons your family doctor may have urged you to get out and exercise on a daily basis. But as far ...

Cholesterol Levels Excellent Food List

Note that cholesterol is a kind of fat found in the blood of several animals. It is a kind of lipid, waxy in nature and is commonly found attached to cell membranes. It is also common in blood plasma and forms part of the human body system. Cholesterol tries to aid cells making them function ...

How to Boost HDL (Good) Cholesterol

When someone hears the word high Cholesterol, it generally has a negative connotation, when in fact in regard to your Cholesterol numbers, you actually want a high reading of the “good” Cholesterol or HDL. The HDL cholesterol is the one that keeps plaque from building up in your heart, therefore lowering your risk of heart ...

Karla News

How to Raise Your Good Cholesterol Levels

There are two types of cholesterol. Low-density lipoproteins, commonly referred to as LDL, is the bad cholesterol. The good cholesterol is HDL, or high-density lipoproteins. If you’ve been advised to lower your LDL levels, and you’ve been successful in bringing that level down to around 100, you may still be at risk for heart disease ...