Articles for tag: Hashimoto's, Thyroid

Autoimmune Thyroid Disease – Hashimoto’s and Graves

Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis and Graves Disease are both autoimmune thyroid diseases. Since they are autoimmune diseases, they can cycle from active to inactive phases with the active phases cycling in severity. Over time, Hashimoto’s usually leads to hypothyroidism, while Graves usually leads to hyperthyroidism. Though hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism can be easy to treat, treatment of autoimmune ...

Hashimoto’s Disease: Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatment

Hashimoto’s Disease, also known as Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis, Autoimmune Hypothyroiditis, and Chronic Lymphocytic Thyroiditis, is a chronic autoimmune illness wherein the body’s immune system mistakenly attacks the thyroid gland. This attack upon the thyroid gland causes the body to be deficient in thyroid hormones, a condition called “hypothyroidism.” Hypothyroidism causes a variety of troubling symptoms, and ...

Early Symptoms of Autoimmune Hepatitis

When I was nineteen years old, I was diagnosed with autoimmune hepatitis. It was a complete shock to me, especially since I had never heard of the disease before. I had been having some strange symptoms, but I didn’t think they could signal hepatitis. There was no history of liver disease in our family, and ...

Karla News

Common Autoimmune Disorders, Treatments and Explanations

Why a person develops an autoimmune disorder is still one of the medicals mysteries. What is an autoimmune disorder? It is a disorder that causes one’s immune system which normally protects one’s body to actually turn against the body and creates its own diseases. More than 80 conditions can fall under the category of an ...

Hyperthyroidism: Signs and Symptoms

Hyperthyroidism can come on quite suddenly and knowing the signs and symptoms can help you get the medical treatment you need. I recently went hyperthyroid and it happened in just a few months. I had a complete panel of thyroid tests done at the end of December 2009 with all of my thyroid hormones coming ...

Karla News

How Do I Control Hashimoto’s Hypothyroid Disease?

Yahoo! asked readers and contributors to provide short personal accounts of their experience with thyroid disease, and then pose a question for a healthcare professional. Here is one perspective. I’ve had Hashimoto’s hypothyroidism since I was about 21. It has not threatened my life. I have had blood tests to ensure normal thyroid function ever ...