Articles for tag: Greek Culture

Karla News

Quickly Learn to Speak Greek for Free

With the rising cost of a college education, many language enthusiasts are seeking cheaper ways of studying a language. For students who are interested in studying Greek, there are many resources that can be found on the Internet or in other locations that can help them learn to speak Greek for free. iTunes and the ...

Karla News

The Iliad: Honor Through Victory and Vengeance

From the beginning of the epic to its finish, the distinguishing element that was most prominent in the Iliad was the concept of honor which is held by Greeks. Honor in the Iliad is not viewed in the same way as it is in western society; rather honor is won through gaining victory and exacting ...

Karla News

Review of Apuleius’ The Golden Ass

Apuleius’ The Golden Ass serves as an amazing window into Roman society in the second century A.D. through the fictional account of Lucius who, when magically turned into an ass, is sent on a journey throughout Greece. Within Apuleius’ story are the evident and understandable characteristics of the time in which he wrote, characteristics that ...

Karla News

Greeks and Greek Culture in Roman Society

Rome took much of its culture from the Athens and Greece, but this played little role in development of Rome as a superpower. The Romans admired Greek art and literature. They took some of these things and put them in to the Roman lifestyle but, The Romans created much of their own art, literature, and ...