Articles for tag: Graduation Gift Ideas, Graduation Gifts 2009

Easy & Inexpensive Graduation Gift Ideas

Every time graduation season comes around, our pockets seem like they have a very large hole in them. With having to give anywhere from $50.00-$200.00 in cash or a check away, why not give that special graduate a different kind of gift? Any of these gifts mentioned below can be given alone, or if you ...

Karla News

College Graduation Gift Ideas for New Teachers

At many universities, a sizable percentage of students receive bachelor’s degrees in education and become teachers. Do you have a graduating teacher on your shopping list? If you want to help that new teacher celebrate their college graduation with a career-oriented token, here are a few practical gift ideas. Gift Idea #1: The Teaching Bag. ...

Karla News

Great Gift Ideas for a College Graduate

Each college graduate is going to be different in their wants and needs when it comes to college graduation gifts. While each individual has their own set of circumstances surrounding their post-graduate situation, there are certain gifts that lend themselves more readily to the recent graduate, no matter what their future plans might be. Here ...

Karla News

Top 10 College Graduation Gift Ideas

1) Classic Watch a. Ever since the watch was created it has been given as a graduation present. A watch is a very nice present because there are thousands of styles and a wide range of prices. Personally I never thought of myself as a watch wearer but after receiving a watch for my graduation ...

Karla News

10 Economical Graduation Gift Ideas

If someone close to you will soon be graduating from high school or college, then it is a very special time for everyone involved. If you’re in search of the perfect gift but only have a small amount to spend on it, there are many choices available. You should be able to find a special ...

Karla News

Law School Graduation Gifts

New lawyers can face all sorts of obstacles after graduation, not the least of which includes finding a job, paying off massive student loans, and finding their way in a vicious legal industry. Therefore, when it comes to college graduation gifts, making the right choice can mean a lot to a recent grad. If you’re ...