Articles for tag: Gooseberry

Karla News

How to Plant and Grow Bareroot Golden Currant Shrubs

Golden currant, Ribes aureum, isn’t called Clove Currant for nothing. When this shrub blooms, the flowers smell like cloves. This shrub grows from British Columbia and Quebec down to the United States of Texas and New Mexico. It grows west to Los Angeles, and along the eastern slopes of the Cascade Range. It extends east ...

Karla News

Star Fruit- Handy, Healthy Snack, with Medical Alerts

If there ever was a fruit with an obvious name, it’s star fruit! Cut the yellow five-ribbed fruit crosswise, and there you have a golden star. It’s easy for fun and quick snacks, keeps well, and is available almost all year. But is there more you should know? The star fruit (Averrhoa carambola) was originally ...

Karla News

Gooseberry Picking and Pie

Are gooseberries making a comeback? I’ve gone to battle against several gooseberry plants in my life, in an attempt to collect the delicious fruit from the thorny briars. Usually, I pick without gloves, because I find wearing gloves cumbersome. But I do wear long sleeves, slacks, and tennis shoes. Gooseberry canes are sharp with thorns, ...

Karla News

Golden Kiwi Vs. Green Kiwi

Kiwi not only comes in the familiar bright green variety, but also a sunny golden color. They both look about the same outside, with a fuzzy brown skin. Cut open, you can see the difference, but is the color the only thing that separates the two? No, the green and golden kiwi taste different, and ...

Karla News

5 Best Fruits for Inflammation

Inflammation is the body’s mechanism to heal injuries. When foreign invaders — like bacteria — attack a tissue, inflammation occurs and stimulates the body to respond with increased blood flow and an increased number of white blood cells to attack the invader and tissue repair. But when the body for some unknown reason mistakes its ...

Karla News

History of Split Rock Lighthouse and Gooseberry Falls

During the period between 1899 and 1906, the Split Rock area was heavily logged by the Merril and Ring Lumber Company, harvesting most of the Norway and White Pine in the. They also operated a short rail road during their logging operation, which followed the Split Rock River. Remnants of this operation still exist in ...

Karla News

Ways to Add Flavor to Plain Yogurt

Plain yogurt is healthy, and it is usually cheaper than flavored varieties and contains far less fat and calories, but it is tasteless. I have purchased plain yogurt in an effort to save fat, calories, and money, but unless I am making smoothies, I usually find ways jazz it up to add flavor and make ...