Articles for tag: Facials, Good Hygiene, Grooming Tips

Karla News

Where to Find Spas for Kids

These days it not uncommon for kids as young as six years old to get a facial and even a French manicure at a Spa. In the past Spas for kids was a rarity but now the popularity has grown immensely in the Spa industries. The concepts behind Spa treatments for the kids is to ...

Karla News

A Circumcised Penis is Not Necessarily Cleaner

Circumcision is said to promote good penile hygiene, but even a circumcised man has to wash his willy if he wants to avoid infection. The myth that circumcision is cleaner comes from the fact that a substance can accumulate beneath the foreskin. This is called smegma, which is wrongfully considered unclean. Fresh smegma is very ...

Facts About Ringworm

Ringworm is more common in America than people may think. According to American, “this form of fungus prevails in 29-31 percent of the United States population.” Symptoms are red rash in a ring shape and itching. Treatment is provided both over the counter and by prescription. The choice depends on the severity of the ...

Super Bug, VRE Spreading with a Fury

“Vancomycin Resistant Enterococcus, or VRE, has been spreading across the country with a fury” — so the hospital pamphlet tells me. It is called a “Super Bug” because in most cases antibiotics can’t kill it. VRE is a type of strep bacteria which can be spread from person to person through casual contact or through ...

Karla News

Ancient Greek Medicine

The Most Powerful Message of Ancient Greek Medicine Most modern doctors and other health care providers, despite their vast knowledge of man’s anatomy and physiology, sometimes seem to forget an important truth that ancient doctors kept in mind–man’s anatomy and physiology don’t change from century to century or millennium to millennium. What was harmful to ...