Articles for tag: Glaceau, Sobe, Vitamin Water, Vitaminwater

Karla News

Vitamin Waters – Good or Bad

The market has been flooded with bottled water ‘” plain water, flavored water, sparkling water and vitamin water. Most people have at least tried bottled water if not the others at one time or another. Tired of lugging jugs of water home from the store, I purchased a water filter system that has paid for ...

Karla News

The Best Defense Against the Common Cold: Glaceau Vitamin Water Defense

Glaceau VitaminWater is one of the best products to hit the beverage industry since Coca-Cola was invented. Glaceau VitaminWater is a very different beverage than plain soda pop, however. Glaceau VitaminWater is a water-based beverage that provides a refreshing blend of flavored water enhanced with different blends of vitamins. Glaceau VitaminWater Defense is just one ...

Karla News

Is There an MLM Juice “bubble”?

The world economy is in a recession due, in part, to the collapse of the housing market. When this “bubble” burst, many banks and financial institutions disappeared. Other are struggling to stay afloat and some are reorganizing in bankruptcy. Several years ago, there was a “dot com bubble”. When it popped, many on line businesses ...

My Favorite Low Calorie Sports Drinks

Around 40 years ago, Gatorade was born. Through innovative marketing techniques, such as putting Gatorade jugs and cups with the Gatorade logo all over pro and college football sidelines and trying to make it seem as though the top athletes would be mediocre without it, it has become an American beverage institution. Yet since Gatorade’s ...

Karla News

Product Review: Glacéau’s Smartwater

A lot of people think all bottled water you can buy is and tastes the same. However, I discovered a weird shaped bottle of water one day at a store. Despite the weird shape, the price was pretty low for the large amount of water the bottle seemed to hold within itself. After purchasing the ...

Karla News

Best Ways to Stay Hydrated When Water is Not Enough

Even the young and athletic can suffer from dehydration. During a CPR class the instructor relayed a story about how she found her then teenage sun sprawled lifeless on their basketball court. He had been playing ball all day in the sun and had not had enough to drink and he had gone into cardiac ...

Karla News

Gluten-Free Food Recommendations for Celiacs in a Hurry

Recently diagnosed with adult-onset celiac disease, I’ve found that one of my greatest struggles when it comes to eating safe, gluten-free foods happens when I’m in a hurry. No longer can I grab a bagel on the way to work, or pop into a bodega for a muffin. Most energy bars, many sports drinks and ...

Karla News

The Best and Worst Flavored Waters

Water is an essential for life, for plants, animals, and humans alike. The only problem for us humans is that we’re spoiled and picky. Now that we’ve found a way to give our water some flavor, some brands have gone overboard with fruitiness to give water a little kick. I’ve tried just about all of ...