Articles for tag: GIS

Karla News

Multivariate Techniques

Introduction Companies use multivariate statistical techniques to analysis both an independent and dependent variable. There is a wide range of multivariate techniques available today but the intentions of most companies who use these techniques is to collected and simplify information in some way so that clarification can be given between the relationship of two or ...

Federal Jobs in Maine

Maine has a good number of jobs available right now with the Federal Government, almost 800, with agencies such as the Forest Service, Internal Revenue Service, National Park Service, Veterans Health Administration, Federal Aviation Administration, US Fish and Wildlife Service, Installations, Commander, Naval Operations, Air Force, Veterans Health Administration, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Government ...

Karla News

Tips for Buying a Karate Uniform

There is almost something magical about putting on a karate gi. When I wear mine, for some reason I feel like a different person. The uniform doesn’t make me stronger or a more skilled martial artist, but it does something to get me in the right mind set for training. There are many different manufacturers, ...

Karla News

A History of M&M;’s Candy

Sweet, milk chocolate drops in a colorful, crunchy shell. Ubiquitous and delightful, M&M;’s candy has been part of American life for nearly 70 years. We all know they’re the chocolate that “melts in your mouth, not in your hand,” but how did M&M;’s become such an essential American treat? During the Spanish Civil War, candy ...

Karla News

World Atlases and Printable Maps Online

Are you having trouble with your social studies or history homework? Do you need to make a dynamic international presentation? Is your sports team traveling soon? Are you geographically challenged and just want to do something about it? Then you will need a map. “Maps are expensive,” you say. Go online. “Too hard to find,” ...