Articles for tag: Acromegaly, Gigantism, Hirsutism, Pituitary, Pituitary Gland

Karla News

What is Proteus Syndrome?

Proteus Syndrome is a rare congenital disorder. The disorder is quite complex and is characterized by a variety of abnormalities. There is usually multisystem involvement and great clinical variability in the signs and symptoms. Proteus syndrome is a type of hamartomatous disorder and is associated with irregular overgrowth of many different body tissues. People with ...

Karla News

Breeding Hybrid Animals: Ligers, Tigons and Bears – Oh My!

According to most definitions, for a species to be classified as separate from another, the organisms in one species must not be able to reproduce healthy and fertile young with organisms in another. But certain scientists and breeders, who question the separation between species, can crossbreed these animals to see just how separate they really ...