Articles for tag: Get Rid of Mice

Get Rid of Mice

After living in Boston and then three different apartments in Manhattan, I can tell you a thing or two about pest control. Mice, bugs and rats are all a part of living in a crowded urban area. Like me, if you are a resident of a big city, you may wake up one morning and ...

Karla News

Rodent Removal: 7 Simple Tips to Get Rid of Mice

You’ve heard gnawing, squeaking, or scampering. You probably have a house guest, a common mouse. Other rodents make their way inside, but distinctive characteristics of mice include gnaw marks on wood, plastic, or cardboard; fecal droppings 1/8 to ¼ inch long; musky odor; or body run marks along baseboards or insulation (Run marks are left ...

Karla News

Keeping Mice Out of Your House

Mice are adorable as the subject of a Disney movie but not so adorable when they are in your kitchen. Mice contaminate food sources with their droppings spreading salmonella, tapeworms, and other infectious diseases including Bordetellosis, Encephalomyocarditis, Leptospirosis, Pseudorabies , Salmonellosis, Swine dysentery, Swine erysipelas, Toxoplasmosis, Trichinosis. This makes keeping mice out of your house ...

Karla News

How to Make Your Own Humane Mouse Trap

Now we all run through all of those mice problems. They seem to be anywhere and everywhere where we don’t wan them to be. They get into everything and cause us many hazards and tough times as far as we, the exterminators, go. Indeed you could hire an exterminator, but then you have to get ...

Karla News

What to Do If Your Apartment Has Mice!!

If you’re living in an apartment that has mice, it can be an awful experience. Just know that, unlike with cockroaches, having mice in your apartment doesn’t necessarily mean that you’re an unclean person. Oftentimes, if your apartment has mice it is because they are living within the building complex itself. Although there is not ...

Karla News

Dealing with Mice: A Mouse in My House!

If you are dealing with mice, chances are you are well aware of the problem. You have noticed the small brown pellets in drawers and under sinks. You have heard the scratching and noises at night. You have been scared silly in the night when a mouse unexpectedly jumped out! The truth is, mice aren’t ...

Karla News

Getting Rid of Mice Without Poison

Even if you keep your home fairly clean, it doesn’t take much for a mouse or rat to find it’s way into your living space. Even the smallest amount of warmth or food (think those crumbs behind your toaster) can be enough to entire the furry little creature into your home. Poisons, although they may ...

Karla News

Get Rid of Mice with Peppermint Oil

Peppermint oil is the safest, most natural, effective way to get rid of mice. When someone discovers they are being visited by these furry little rodents, they immediately resort to traps or poison. Traps, however, are messy, and poison is dangerous for children and pets. The problem is, peppermint oil is not widely known as ...

Karla News

Do Electronic Pest Repellers Work?

Have you ever noticed that there always seems to be an insect or pest ready to enter your home? Ready to invade and set up a place of residence inside of yours. Ready to eat your food, use the toilet everywhere, giving rise to bacteria and viruses. Ready to give you a fright when they ...

Karla News

A Guide to Mouse Deterrent

I hear people complaining all of the time about mice. I cant tell you how many times I have heard people in a rage because their brand new home just made a brand ne friend. Regardless of what people say or think, we are basically invading their space. When a mouse enters a home it ...