Articles for tag: Gastroenteritis, Stomach Flu, Symptoms of Dehydration

Karla News

The Stomach Flu: Symptoms and Treatment

Hearing the words “my tummy hurts”, can make your mind go crazy thinking of all the different scenarios that come along with that sentence. You start to think is it because she ate to much, or is it the stomach flu? Then you start to think if its the stomach flu everyone in the house ...

Stomach Virus in Toddlers

Every parent works tirelessly to avoid illness in their children. When it comes to your child, no germ is tolerated because watching your child suffer with any sickness is heartbreaking. Immediately following my son’s first birthday his appetite decreased. I had to practically force feed him morsels. Two days later, he began to experience severe ...

Karla News

Diarrhea: The Scoop on Kids’ Loose Poop

Let’s face it: All kids have episodes of loose poop or diarrhea. But do you know what causes it, the signs and symptoms and how to control it? Simple things such as changes in diet can sometimes cause diarrhea, like drinking too much fruit juice, eating an extensive amount of spicy foods or the use ...

Karla News

Toxic Plants in Your Garden: Keep Your Children and Pets Safe

Gardening is such a life-affirming pastime our families can enjoy together. Nothing touches us more than to watch our little ones’ eyes widen with delight at some small miracle of nature or to watch our pets chasing after butterflies and exploring plants. Our gardens are our refuge from the stresses of daily life and a ...

How to Avoid the “Stomach Flu”

Winter is coming, and along with it, the dreaded “stomach flu”. Did you know that, many times, what people call the “stomach flu” isn’t really a flu at all? “Stomach flu” is not caused by an influenza bug. It is actually an intestinal illness that can be caused by a variety of different viruses, and ...

Viral Gastroenteritis, aka The Stomach Flu

Be very careful this summer. Wash your hands after leaving public places and before you eat. If you hear that someone you know has the stomach flu, stay far away, or if they call for your help don’t hesitate to lend a latex gloved hand. There is a very nasty stomach virus going around and ...

Karla News

How to Treat Your Infant’s Gastroenteritis

Gastroenteritis is a stomach virus that infants are easily susceptible to. It causes nausea, vomiting, cramping and diarrhea. It isn’t a pleasant thing to deal with, but it is manageable. Knowing how to treat it before it happens can make all the difference in the world. Always keep in mind that when an infant is ...

How to Fight The Stomach Virus

The stomach virus, technically called viral gastroenteritis, which means inflammation of the stomach and intestines, is an infection that can result from a variety of viruses and results in diarrhea and/or vomiting. It is not caused by bacteria or parasites, nor is it caused by the influenza virus. This condition usually only lasts between one ...