Articles for tag: Garden Nurseries, Perennial Flowers, Perennial Plants

Karla News

Plant a Perennial Cutting Garden: Flowers for Vases

Flowers bloom in landscapes and gardens around the world during thewarm summer months. The colors and shapes of the landscapes change constantly as new blooms open and old blooms are spent. Gardens are a ever changing work of art. Gardeners can make design a garden, making decisions about the kinds of plants they want, sizes, ...

Karla News

How to Care for Your Mandevilla Plant

The Mandevilla plant is a very attractive flowering plant and when I saw one this spring, I bought it. I thought I’d use it as a container plant on my deck for the summer as the Mandevilla plant is considered to be an annual in most of the country. The Mandevilla plant comes in two ...

Karla News

Tips for Purchase and Placement of Bird Baths

With summertime just around the corner, many gardeners are looking to encourage local birds to stop and make themselves a home. The easiest way to do this other than feeders, which can often be a challenge to protect from squirrels and unwanted visitors, is to provide water in a birdbath. But what type of birdbath ...

Karla News

Radiant Crabapple Trees Are Astounding

Every spring I like to drive around neighborhoods enjoying the pure beauty of trees, shrubs, and flowers in bloom. One tree species that I always enjoy seeing is crabapples. Crabapple trees are the prettiest in spring while they’re in bloom and the showiest of all the crabapple species is the Radiant Crabapple. The Radiant Crabapple ...

Karla News

Plant Petunias for a Colorful Garden

Masses of petunias fill summer beds and borders in the summer months. Some people consider petunias to be common, but there is a good reason for that. Petunias are popular to use because they are successful in gardens. These reliable, dependable bloomers reward the gardener with a summer full of colorful blooms and fragrance. Petunias ...

Karla News

Advantages of a Preplanned Garden

Preplanned gardens are becoming more and more popular today and for good reasons. In our busy lifestyles, we don’t always have the time to do what we’d like to do including creating a plan for a garden. Preplanned gardens are a great solution for building a beautiful landscape. You’ll be able to find preplanned gardens ...