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Advantages of a Preplanned Garden

Deer Resistant, Garden Nurseries, Shade Gardens

Preplanned gardens are becoming more and more popular today and for good reasons. In our busy lifestyles, we don’t always have the time to do what we’d like to do including creating a plan for a garden. Preplanned gardens are a great solution for building a beautiful landscape.

You’ll be able to find preplanned gardens in different sizes, shapes, and plant groupings. There’s small preplanned gardens, ones for corners, shade gardens, sun gardens, rock gardens, herb gardens, wildflower gardens, xeric gardens, deer resistant gardens, and many more. It’s actually a lot of fun to see what’s out there.

Get a Professional Look with a Preplanned Garden

We all would like to have the most beautiful landscaping and gardens in the neighborhood, however, most of us can’t afford a professional landscaper. In a preplanned garden, the design work is done for you by a professional in the garden industry. All you need to do is measure the space where you would like a nice garden, and then take a look at what’s out there for preplanned gardens in your space range. Don’t forget to keep in mind your planting Zone as you don’t want to buy the wrong preplanned garden for your area.

There’s no designing or trying to decide which plants to use; you just have to choose a nice looking preplanned garden that fits your space and Zone. When you purchase a preplanned garden, the design layout will come with the kit along with all the plants needed for the garden you’ve chosen. Just dig holes and plant them as suggested in the design layout. In no time at all, you’ll have a beautiful professional looking garden that you can admire for years. And the neighbors? They’ll probably be green with envy.

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A Preplanned Garden Will Save You Money

Most online garden nurseries sell preplanned gardens at a discounted rate of between 25% – 40% as opposed to purchasing each plant on your own. This is great cost savings if you’re trying to save money and want a professional looking garden. There’s no cost for a landscaper or a professional designer.

If you have a new home or a lot with empty yard space that needs landscaping, try purchasing just one preplanned garden a year. It’ll be easier to afford and you’ll be able to give your new garden all the attention it needs during its first season.

A Preplanned Garden Saves Time

This is probably the biggest advantage for purchasing a preplanned garden. Many of us have busy lifestyles and a preplanned garden is the perfect answer to saving time. Everything except your backyard comes with the kit. There’s no fussing over which plants to use, their height and width, or where to place them in your new garden.

A preplanned garden saves you time because you don’t have to plan it out on graph paper, you don’t have to think about what plants to use, you don’t have to order each individual plant, and you don’t have to worry about whether or not your new garden will look attractive. All this is done for you by professionals in the gardening industry, you just have to choose which preplanned garden to purchase.

That beautiful professional looking garden that you’ve been wanting will come to life after you plant it and you’ve saved yourself a lot of time and money.

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Where to Buy a Preplanned Garden

The best place to look for preplanned gardens is online as most local garden nurseries would prefer to send out one of their staff to design and plant a garden.

Check your favorite online garden nursery and see what they offer in preplanned gardens. If you don’t like what they have, Google ‘preplanned gardens’ and you’ll find many online nurseries that have them.

You can also ask your friends and neighbors who they use and if they like the service and plants that they’ve received from their favorite online garden nurseries.

You can also check out my article on “Preplanned Gardens for 2011” by clicking on article title.

Source: Personal experience