Articles for tag: Annual Plants, Garden Landscape, Garden Nurseries, Growing Flowers, Petunias

Karla News

Plant Petunias for a Colorful Garden

Masses of petunias fill summer beds and borders in the summer months. Some people consider petunias to be common, but there is a good reason for that. Petunias are popular to use because they are successful in gardens. These reliable, dependable bloomers reward the gardener with a summer full of colorful blooms and fragrance. Petunias ...

Karla News

7 Outstanding Salt Tolerant Shade Perennials

One landscaping assignment I had to tackle recently was to plant a perennial flower garden in an area that was shaded. To further complicate the matter, this area was out by the road so the perennial plants needed to also be salt tolerant in addition to being able to grow in the shade. I had ...

Karla News

How to Landscape a Japanese Garden

Japanese Gardens combine stone, water and plants to make a beautiful and peaceful setting. These can be done in all parts of the country and are easy to create. There are certain elements that a typical Japanese Garden has which are rocks, water, lantern or similar lighting, and stepping stones or better yet a bridge. ...

Karla News

Add a Relaxing Pond to Your Garden Landscape

Every gardener knows that the garden landscape can be a welcome retreat from the stresses of everyday life, and that welcoming landscape can be made even more relaxing by the addition of a soothing garden pond. There is simply nothing to match the tranquility and solitude of a garden pond, and the good news is ...

Karla News

Historic Downtown Willoughby, Ohio

Willoughby’s history is very unique. It’s the only town in America that has belonged to six counties (Washington, Jefferson, Trumbull, Geauga, Cuyahoga, and Lake). It was originally settled by the French in the 1750’s and called Charlton. The British followed and renamed the town Chagrin River. When the first industries sprang up it was renamed ...

Karla News

Ornamental Grass Plants for USDA Hardiness Zone Seven

Ornamental grasses offer texture and height for garden landscapes in USDA Hardiness Zone 7. Grass plants are available in clumping and non-clumping varieties, with a variety of mature heights available for gardens. Clumping grass varieties grow from one main root crown. This variety works well in flower gardens that need some texture without invasive spreading ...

Karla News

English Cottage Garden Design for Beginners

For the flower gardening enthusiast, an English garden is a view of landscaping heaven. With little or no grass, the yard is an abundance of flowers sometimes tall enough to hide a precocious child. Varying height blooms of reds, yellow, blue, pink, lavender or orange create a rainbow color explosion. To augment the landscape design, ...

Karla News

How to Grow a Container Fig Tree

Figs are the undisputed oldest mentioned fruits in the world. Mentioned in The Holy Bible in Genesis, Adam and Eve covered themselves with fig leaves when they sinned and found out they were naked. Historical texts, thousands of years old mention figs as a major food source. That hasn’t changed in many parts of the ...

Karla News

Lakefront Festival of the Arts in Milwaukee, Wisconsin

The 45th Annual Lakefront Festival of Arts will be taking place on the grounds of the Milwaukee Art Museum on June 15-17 this year. The annual event is held on the lakefront of Lake Michigan. The grounds of the Art Museum are beautiful, making them a great place for a leisurely afternoon. Visitors get a ...

Landscaping Ideas for Small Gardens

Spring is the time to start opening the windows, going for long walks with extra evening light, and planting your garden. Whether this is the first time you have considered planting a garden or you are an experienced gardener, planning is always the key. You don’t want to just walk in to the store and ...