Articles for tag: Dachshunds, Frankenmuth, German Cuisine

Karla News

Oktoberfest in Frankenmuth, MIchigan

“Roll out the Barrel” for Oktoberfest in Frankenmuth, Michigan is called “Little Bavaria” for the Bavarian style of the town. Frankenmuth is a popular Midwest vacation getaway area. Oktoberfest in Frankenmuth is a German style festival styled after the original Oktoberfest in Munich, Germany. Oktoberfest in Frankenmuth is September 20-23, 2007. The sounds of German ...

Karla News

Tips for Visiting Bronner’s in Frankenmuth, MI

Frankenmuth is one of the most popular tourist towns in Michigan and Bronner’s CHRISTmas Wonderland is the most popular attraction. Hundreds of thousands of people pass through the world’s largest Christmas store every year but many mistakes are made on a daily basis. If you are planning on visiting Bronner’s while in Frankenmuth, make sure ...

Karla News

Top Rated Restaurants in Frankenmuth, Michigan

Frankenmuth is a town in Michigan, which retains the Bavarian charm of the German’s who settled there in 1845. The town celebrates it’s German character, with Bavarian Style festivals and the German architecture of the buildings. Visitors come to Frankenmuth from around the Great Lakes region, and beyond, to enjoy the old world ambiance. Frankenmuth ...

Karla News

Summer Festivals in Frankenmuth, Michigan

Frankenmuth, Michigan has a summer of fun planned, with festivals available on many of the summer weekends. Frankenmuth is a Bavarian style town in Michigan. The town is an ideal weekend destination for people in the Great Lakes region. Frankenmuth is about 90 miles north of Detroit and about 300 miles northeast of Chicago. The ...