Articles for tag: Evansville Indiana, Fourth Dimension, Little Big Horn, Mount Shasta

Karla News

The Best Ghost Cam Websites

Ghost cams have become very popular in the past couple of years. This is a review of some of the most popular ones. Sites you must sign up for to watch the cams. Asylumcam. Asylumcam has 37 cams on their site and over 40,000 members. 5 cams are in the site owners home, and the ...

Karla News

Applied Sociological Theory: Weberian Theory in Modern Society

In The Weberian Theory of Rationalization and the McDonaldization of Contemporary Society, George Ritzer examines Weber’s four types of rationality (practical, theoretical, substantive, and formal) and the five dimensions of formal rationality. Ritzer’s main vehicle for his examination of Weberian theory is his concept of McDonaldization which, he says, is the modern day equivalent of ...

Karla News

Google Earth 4: Even Better Cartography Software

Since Google Inc. purchased “Earth Viewer” from Keyhole in 2004, Google has transformed a piece of professional cartography software into a program that everyone and their grandmother can use, and play with until it’s four hours later and you’re still looking at where your second-cousin twice-removed’s next-door neighbor lived three decades ago. With its new ...

Karla News

Understanding the Fourth Dimension

What do We Understand to be the Fourth Dimension? The first step in understanding the fourth dimension is learning that it is the dimension of duration, or time. While this may seem very complicated and abstract at first, and while it is theoretical, understanding the fourth dimension is not actually that complicated, though the implications ...

Karla News

Time, the 4th Dimension

The science of Time! Long before H.G. Wells penned “The Time Machine” man has always been intrigued by it’s concept. From DiVinci, Nostradamus, to Newton, to Einstein all have implied that the existence of a fourth dimension does exist. In many ways Wells in much of his narratives of his novels actually have come into ...

Karla News

Using the Hofstede Dimensions to Your Advantage in Business

Expanding the management staff to include people from other cultures living in their home environment requires sensitivity and plenty of research to accommodate the different values and principles these individuals may support. Cultures work in the same way as a persons DNA; although individuals may look the same on the outside, there are internal factors ...