Articles for tag: Charcoal Grilling, Charcoal Grills, Food Preparation, Outdoor Cooking

Karla News

Best Charcoal Smoker Grills 2011

Coming into the season of outdoor cooking, more and more people are seeking out a charcoal smoker that will fill their individual needs. Among the best charcoal smoker grills 2011 there are not only some choices that are known for their high quality cooking and craftsmanship, but there are some extremely versatile “cookers” that will ...

Karla News

Places to Take Cooking Classes in Seattle, WA

Maybe you are just trying to grow up and fend for yourself. Or you want to impress a significant other or host an amazing dinner party. Or maybe you just appreciate cooking as the art form it is, and want to increase your food knowledge. By learning different cuisines, you have access to different cultures. ...

Karla News

Chickasaw Women and Chickasaw Traditions

Women play an important role in every culture. They are the mothers, daughters, and sisters that bear children and make homes for their families. In the Chickasaw culture, women traditionally kept house, tended to the children, food preparation, and slaves if the family owned them. Though many women work outside the home nowadays, similar values ...

Karla News

10 Common Mistakes Made by Food Handlers

Have you eaten at a restaurant and later become ill? Do those individuals who handle your food expose you to risk? It depends. In the US, many counties require food handlers to pass a food safety test and obtain a food handler card or certificate before working in the food industry. But even after food ...

How to Clean a Butcher Block Table

Real butcher block is absolutely beautiful when used to make work islands, countertops, cutting boards and tables. It is also sturdy and will last for many years with proper care. Some people simply wipe it as they would any other table or surface, but this is not enough since it is important to properly clean, ...

Chefs Diet: Chef Prepared Food Delivered to Your Door

Chef prepared food delivered to your door is the dream for most people. Well, Chef’s Diet is a service that delivers Chef prepared food to your door based on your lifestyle, dietary needs and choices. Chef’s Diet may be one of the premier meal choices of many of Hollywood’s major stars, however Chefs Diet is ...