Articles for tag: Beta Blockers, Flax Oil, Pycnogenol

Asthma-Description, Traditional Treatment, and Natural Remedies

Description Asthma, also called reactive airway disease, is a chronic and recurring condition in which the bronchial passages-the tubes that go to the lungs-become swollen, inflamed, and narrow, making it very difficult for the person to breathe. This happens when the person is exposed to something they’ve very sensitive to. An asthma attack can be ...

Essential Fatty Acids and Weight Loss

Any time you see “essential”, when it pertains to health, be it vitamins or other items, it means that the body isn’t capable of producing those items and they have to be gotten from outside sources like food or supplements. There are two main types of essential fatty acids (EFA’s), Omega-3 and Omega-6, Virgin olive ...

The Best Diet for Acne May Be an Anti-Inflammatory Diet

Inflammation – redness and swelling – is a characteristic of most cases of acne. Sometimes it can be reduced by drugs, including antibiotics (which kill the bacteria causing the infection that produces the inflammation). But there may be a way to control the inflammation just through what you eat – or don’t eat. The theory ...

Karla News

What to Do When Your Baby Is Constipated

Just like adults, babies get constipated, too. Sometimes it is difficult to tell if your baby is constipated because, after all, he or she can’t tell you. Here are ways to determine if your baby is constipated and how to help them regulate. Exclusively Breastfed Babies If your baby is exclusively breastfed, meaning no solids ...

The Top 3 Weight Gain Diet Tips

You’re not alone; quite a few people out there are looking to add weight to their frames. The problem is most information caters to the majority, people who need to lose weight. There can be a number of reasons a person needs to gain weight ranging from metabolism problems, health problems or just simply the ...

Karla News

Best Treatment for Acne: Over the Counter Product Guide

I struggled with acne prone skin and frequent breakouts until age 27. After trying everything from prescription antibiotics to Retin-A to weird concoctions made out of brewers yeast and flax oil down to birth control, I eventually concluded that achieving a clear complexion was hopeless for me. So much time, effort and money put in ...

Barlean’s Mango Peach Omega Swirl Review

Barlean’s Mango Peach Omega Swirl fish oil supplement “caught me” by surprise. I don’t enjoy taking fish oil capsules or pills. The Omega Swirl line of organic oils taste incredibly delicious. You just take two teaspoons straight or in a smoothie. Dr. Oz talks about the health benefits of taking fish oil and omega-3 fatty ...