Articles for tag: Consumer Guide, Fertilizers, Green Lawn, Lawn Fertilizers, Weed and Feed

Karla News

Consumer’s Guide to the Best Lawn Fertilizers

A healthy, lush green lawn gets some nutrition from its soil. But this is usually not sufficient. You need to supplement the nutrition with lawn fertilizer. Depending on the fertility of your lawn and past maintenance history, your need for fertilizers can vary. A lawn with balanced nutrients will have different fertilizer requirements compared to ...

Karla News

How to Decipher the Fertilizer Numbers

Fertilizer labels can be confusing and there are so many choices in the market today. They range from lawn fertilizers, bulb fertilizers, flower fertilizers, garden fertilizers and everything in between. Different plants have different nutritional needs and each soil is different. I would advise you to have your soil tested first, before you buy any ...

Karla News

What’s in Organic Lawn Fertilizer?

Every spring and fall gardeners fertilize their lawn areas, hoping to keep their tranquil sea of green from withering into a scraggly patch of dead grass. In recent years, you may have noticed a few new options popping up on garden center shelves. Organics are in, chemicals are out. This once peculiar war-cry of environmentalists ...

Karla News

Scott’s Lawn Fertilizer Reviews

The spring is the perfect time to start thinking about your lawn as many fertilizers have to be applied starting in April. This guide is to the three most relevant Scott’s fertilizers for a great lawn. I personally use the Scott’s four step program on my lawn, the fertilizers work very well and I would ...

Karla News

Four Cheap, Effective Fertilizers

If a landscape that I’m responsible for needs fertilizer, one of these four fertilizers will be applied: ammonium nitrate, ammonium sulfate, ammonium phosphate, or soil sulfur. In keeping with my gardening philosophy, they are the simplest, cheapest fertilizers you can buy. I am reluctant to use combination weed killer or pest killer and fertilizer. If ...

Karla News

Best Liquid Lawn Fertilizers

There are several different kinds of fertilizers on the market, one of them being liquid lawn fertilizers. Liquid lawn fertilizers generally hook up to your hose in a container and you spray your lawn with it. The perk of using a liquid for fertilizers is that it will spread evenly over your lawn, plus it ...

Karla News

Fertilizing Your Gourds Using Fish Emulsion with Kelp

Fertilizing your gourds is important to insuring a healthy garden and a healthy crop. There are so many fertilizers out there, what is the best and safest way to go? No matter what claims are out there, my vote is, hands down, on organic fertilizers, and primarily fish emulsion with kelp extract added. You may ...

Karla News

Why Organic Fertilizers Are Safer to Use Than Inorganic Fertilizers

Where do pelargoniums get their food? What items or elements are contained in their meals? Some are obtained from water and air like carbon (including human exhalation), hydrogen, and oxygen. Others, which are sucked up from the soil or provided by fertilizers, include nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, and some trace elements. Fertilizers are of two types: ...

Karla News

Organic Vs. Commercial Fertilizers

Fertilizers provide key nutrients for facilitating plant growth, such as nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. Fertilizers also contain small amounts of other various nutrients for plant growth, but primarily contain the three listed above. Organic and commercial fertilizers both provide key benefits and disadvantages. This article will examine the main differences between commercial and organic fertilizers, ...