Articles for tag: Diversity Training, Federal Employment

Karla News

Affirmative Action Practices: Non-Discriminatory Hiring in the Workplace

Equal Opportunity employment is more or less the law of the land. One says “more or less” because there are still some pockets of resistance. However, most human resources managers now are very careful to use some form of “Affirmative Action” in their hiring process. Just what is the definition of Affirmative Action? “Affirmative Action ...

Careers for Graduates with a Degree in Geography

Today careers for graduates with a degree in Geography can be found worldwide, because geography is a topic that literally takes in the whole world. Only a few decades ago, graduates with a degree in Geography might have found career options somewhat limited . But today in our global economy, graduates with a degree in ...

How to Get a Job with the Federal Government

In today’s economy, job security is one of the most essential benefits you can ask for. The federal government can offer that. Most federal jobs are essential,as well as funded, which means they are not as insecure as private-sector jobs when the job market is down. Additionally, the federal government runs a program that puts ...

Karla News

Your Possible Tax Obligations If You Hire a Babysitter

Whether you are considered an employer and have to pay payroll taxes for hiring a babysitter depends on the age of the person you hire, how much you pay in total for the year, and whether you can control how the babysitting services are provided. Generally, if you occasionally hire a babysitter to take care ...