Articles for tag: Facing the Giants

Karla News

Movie Review: “Courageous”

A movie comes around every few years that touch the core of the family unit, and ‘Courageous’ is one of those movies. The movie touches the heart on so many levels. While the movie is based on traditional Christian values and belief systems, this movie is one that crosses all barriers of many denominations and ...

Karla News

Movie Review: Beaches

The movie “Beaches” (1988, rated PG-13) begins at the boardwalk on the beach at Atlantic City, New Jersey in 1958, and ends many years later at a beach house in California. It is the story of two friends with very different personalities and career goals, and how that friendship endures despite distance, a love triangle, ...

Karla News

How to Plan a Youth Group Movie Night

If you’re looking for an inexpensive and fun activity that your youth group students will love, a youth group movie night is the perfect choice! Here are quick and easy tips that will help you plan a fun and successful youth group movie night. Now pass the popcorn please! How to Plan a Youth Group ...

Karla News

Father and Son Movie Night Suggestions from Dads

My husband and son went out for a father and son movie night last week. They saw “The Avengers”, a very popular movie among all my friends, both male and female. I started thinking, with Father’s Day approaching, a father and son movie night seems like a great idea. I wondered what sorts of movies ...