Articles for tag: Eye Floaters, Retina, Retinal Detachment

Karla News

What Are “Floaters”?

What are “floaters”? I’m referring to those squiggly little lines that enter the vision in the eyes, and floaters is what they are commonly referred to. What are floaters, what causes them, and are they a serious concern? Since I get them myself from time to time (blinking and moving the eyes around just puts ...

Karla News

Vitreous Detachment: “Eye Floaters”

At a recent eye examination, I told my doctors I was seeing spots or something floating in my eye into my field of vision. These eye floaters are tiny spots, flecks or cobwebs that drift around into your field of vision. People also describe them as straight and curved lines, strings or blobs in the ...

New Treatments for Eye Floaters

Eye Floater Treatments – At some point the most people have noticed that annoying little grey spot that obstructed their field of view at least once in their life. These little grey obstructions, called floaters, can be annoying and in some cases debilitating enough to cause people to see their eye doctor about them. There ...

Karla News

Healthy Vision: What Causes Dark Floaters?

It can be frightening to see tiny specks of flood your field of vision. Those specks are known as eye floaters and a relatively common phenomenon particularly in older people and those who are near-sighted. They are usually dark in color and may resemble black spots. When people experience them, they’re sometimes concerned that they’re ...