Articles for tag: Allergy Medications, Allergy Relief, Eye Allergies, Eye Drops

Help for Dry Eyes: Ciba Vision Clerz

Contact lens wearers are often prone to dry and irritated eyes. Unfortunately, the store shelves are often lined with an endless supply of eye drops and dry eye formulas for those who do not wear contacts on a regular basis. There are only a few eye drops on the market that are made especially for ...

Karla News

How to Administer Eye Drops in Children

For most of us, trying to put eye drops in our own eyes can be a frustrating challenge, so when it comes to trying to accomplish the task with our children, it can be double frustrating, messy, and seem downright impossible. Here are some tips for parents to make the administration of eye drops a ...

Remedies for Itchy Eyes that Work

Do you suffer from itchy eyes? Even though rubbing your eyes to relieve the itch will only make the symptoms worse, it can be hard to keep your hands away. The more you rub the more irritated and red your eyes become. It’s a vicious cycle that can leave your eyes appearing as if you’ve ...

Karla News

Rohto V Redness Relief Cool Review

Rohto V is a relatively new eye drop that relieves redness, cools your eyes, and also lubricates them, making them feel alive again. I had heard about these eye drops on the radio and really wanted to try them, I don’t get a lot of sleep sometimes and I tend to wake up with red, ...

Karla News

How to Treat Your Dog’s Dry Eyes

About two and a half years ago I adopted a small blonde pekingese dog named Lenny. Lenny has a condition know as dry eye. This means that his eyes don’t “make tears”. So the vet showed me how to put natural tear eye drops, the same as people use, into the dog’s eyes. (Oops that ...

Cataract Surgery: A Personal Experience

“Cataract Surgery: A Personal Experience” Originally Published By John Mario On Associated Content. I went to the retina specialist because scar tissue from an old repaired retina tear was beginning to cover the macula of my right eye. My vision in that eye had decreased significantly. The retina specialist examined the eye and told me ...

Karla News

Death by Visine? – Yes, it Can Happen!

For many years, people have believed in an old urban legend that, by spiking someone’s drink with eye drops, it would give him diarrhea, thus sending the unsuspecting victim off on the first of many trips to the bathroom. In fact, most eye drops do not cause this to happen and in fact, can lead ...

The Best Eye Drops for Allergies

Have you experienced itchy, red, watery, sore, swollen or stinging eyes? Then you are most likely experiencing the symptoms of eye allergies. Itching is the most important symptom, without itching, it is less likely that you are experiencing eye allergies. Both eyes are usually affected, although one eye may be worse than the other. There ...