Articles for tag: Espanol, Search and Rescue Dogs

Karla News

Dog Breed Types: the Water Dogs

Water dogs are a type of hunting dog, only they have to go swimming for long periods of time. They may have to go into the water to retrieve shot game or they may have to go into the water to help fishermen pull in their nets. These water dog breeds are intelligent, athletic and ...

Karla News

Adam Rodriguez: CSI: Miami’s Eric Delko

Adam Rodriguez plays Eric Delko on CSI: Miami. Rodriguez character Eric Delko, came to America while in his mother’s womb on a boat. The family had fled communist Cuba to give him and his three sisters a better life. Rodriguez’s character is cast that of Cuban by his mother and Russian by his father. During ...

Karla News

Where to Take Spanish Language Courses in New York City

There exists a multitude of reasons for learning Spanish – a fast-growing Hispanic population in the US, the increasingly visible Latino influence on various facets of pop culture – night life, film, dance – to mention a few. Others simply wish to learn basic Spanish language phrases in preparation for travelling abroad, to decipher the ...

Karla News

World’s Fastest Dogs

The world’s fastest dogs are not always the ones most pet owners would assume were genetically bred just for speed, in fact just the opposite is often true. While it is true that many of the world’s fastest dogs were created by breeders with the primary thought of speed in mind, many of the world’s ...

Karla News

Mother’s Day Cards and e-Cards for the Spanish-Speaking Mom

Mother’s Day is celebrated in many countries and among many nationalities. In the United States, the second largest language is Spanish. Looking for Dia de la Mujer or Feliz dia Mama or Mother’s Day greeting cards in Spanish? Here are many online resources for where to print free Mother’s Day cards in Spanish. You can ...

Karla News

All About the Breed: Alano Espanol

Also known as the Spanish Bulldog, the Alano Espanol is a devoted and affectionate breed. But how do you know whether you are ready to purchase a pet and if this breed is right for you? This information is absolutely necessary in making the decision to purchase a pet. History The origin of the Alano ...