Articles for tag: English Only

Karla News

Great Movies to Watch in Honor of Chinese New Year

With the Chinese New Year fast approaching, you may be wondering what films to watch in celebration of the holiday. Well, I just so happen to have a few suggestions in that regard. Some involve romance, family bonds and action. Others are more educational than anything else. With that said, here they are: “The Sorcerer ...

Miami: Should We All Speak Spanish?

I speak one language – English. Coming from Boston this was all I needed. Immigrants who settled in Boston either learned English or they had problems. The Boston school system did not have classes in Spanish, Korean, Mandarin or any other language but English. However, adult education classes were held in the evenings for anyone ...

Karla News

How English Became a Global Language

English has evolved naturally as a global language over time, despite attempts to create artificial languages such as Esperanto, as global languages. One important argument in favor of English as a global language is its effectiveness. Chinese has more native speakers, however, it also has simplistic grammar, and it lacks articles, prepositions, verb conjugation and ...

Karla News

The Advantages of Illegal Immigration

As seen in the last presidential election, immigration has become a hotly contested issue. With somewhere near 12 million illegal immigrants in this country and the numbers in no way slowing down, the issues must be dealt with in some way. As early as the 1850’s with the Know-Nothing Party, immigration has come under fire. ...

English as a Second Language in America’s Public Schools

“Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free.” Emma Lazarus’ “The New Colossus” is inscribed on the Statue of Liberty, and it represents what the United States means to immigrants. Immigrants still come to this country with the same hopes and dreams for a brighter future that immigrants before them ...