Articles for tag: Classroom Environment, English Language Learners

Karla News

Best Practices for Teaching Diverse Learners

The classrooms of today are extremely diverse. There are many teachers who do not take into consideration the diversity of the students they teach. There are many types of diverse learning groups, such as gender, cultural and linguistic. Students all come from different backgrounds, have different interests and have different learning structures that they are ...

Karla News

Learning About Friendly Letters in the Elementary Classroom

Learning Goal: Students will learn how to compose a “friendly”/informal letter. They will also learn how to draw comparisons between their own lives and lives that are different from theirs. Rationale: This lesson plan fits Massachussetts State Curriculum Learning Standard 19.7, “Write or dictate letters, directions, or short accounts of personal experiences that follow a ...

Karla News

Bridge to Terabithia Sequenced Lesson Plans

Demographic Information: This lesson plan sequence is to be used with 4th or 5th grade students. The setting is an average sized elementary school in a small city in Iowa. The students have varying reading abilities and there are several students who are English language learners. There are 23 students, 14 boys and 9 girls. ...

Karla News

Strategies for Teaching ELL Students

If you’re a teacher, you’re used to accommodating all sorts of students. You have to account for learning styles, ability levels, home life, and many other factors in teaching children all subjects in school. One of the most difficult, and the fastest growing, specialty populations is that of English Language Learners. These are students that ...

Karla News

Ways to Get Your ESL Students to Remember New Vocabulary

Having taught English as a second language to Chinese students for over three years, I have learned some good methods for getting students to remember new vocabulary. Often times, children and adults who learn a foreign tongue struggle with memorizing new terms and how to use such words and phrases in speaking and writing. As ...

English as a Second Language in America’s Public Schools

“Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free.” Emma Lazarus’ “The New Colossus” is inscribed on the Statue of Liberty, and it represents what the United States means to immigrants. Immigrants still come to this country with the same hopes and dreams for a brighter future that immigrants before them ...

Karla News

Idioms with “Run”: A Guide for ESL Students

English is full of figures of speech that mean absolutely nothing but nonsense to many English language learners. These idioms using the word “run” are no exception. Learn these idioms to help you expand your ever-growing English vocabulary. Hit and Run Examples: The police are looking for a hit-and-run suspect. The accident was a hit ...