Articles for tag: Ancient Egypt, Ancient Egyptians, Egyptian Mythology

Karla News

Egyptian Exhibits in Chicago

Egypt’s ancient culture is fascinating to learn about. There are two great exhibitions in Chicago that can enlighten you about life in Egypt 5,000 years ago. The Field Museum has an ancient tomb, mummies, and artifacts, along with fascinating ancient mythology. The Alder Planetarium projects a simulation of the starry skies as they would have ...

Karla News

Examining Egyptian Mythology & the Sun God Ra

There has always been a great deal of debate concerning the Egyptian culture. How it, much like the Roman culture, managed to exhibit capabilities and talents significantly more advanced than other cultures during the same time period has intrigued historians and scientists alike for hundreds of years. The creators of the science fiction television series ...

Karla News

Exploring the Myth of Gaia

As a child, I loved the stories of Greek, Roman, Egyptian, and Norse mythology. The myths surrounding the various characters involved were so intricately woven into the fabric of reality that many of them actually seemed plausible, at least on the surface. I believe that there are some grains of truth hidden within each great ...